Our Naturtint hairstylist is sharing their top tips on how to achieve beautiful summer hair colors and styles

Summer Hair Colors & Styles Trending Now, According To Our Stylist

Summer traditionally calls for lighter and shorter hair. This statement remains true, but this summer there are also some new trends emerging.  

We were curious about what exactly to expect this summer. So, we sat down with our resident stylist Donnyé Sabo and asked her to predict what summer hair colors and styles we should look for this season.  

Keep reading to find inspiration for your perfect summer style!  

Related: Summer Hair Care: How to Protect Your Hair From the Sun

Summer hairstyles  

Before you decide on your summer hairstyle, take a look at what our hairstylist says is trending right now. And, take into consideration your face shape and what styles will work best for the heat and humidity of summer.  

what hairstyles will be popular for summer 2021?  

The half-up, half-down look will be very popular this summer and leaving some of the fringe or front pieces out. 

are there any “sweat friendly” styles that would work better in summer versus other times of the year?  

The best “sweat friendly” styles I would recommend for the summer are braids and cute ponytails. Or, if your hair is too short to put up in a ponytail, you can use bobby pins. Either way, I recommend a style that will keep your hair up and away from your face.  

what hairstyles are best for each face shape?  

Here’s a quick rundown of the hairstyles I think would work best for each face shape:  

  • Round: The main goal is to create a longer looking face. So, choosing a look with face framing layers and soft, long bangs will help soften the cheeks and close in the open space.  
  • Square: The goal is to soften the jawline. You want your hair to fall around your face covering the outer part of your jawline. Loose curls or straight hair will help soften your look and take away the harshness of the line. You want to avoid styles that are overly curly and would make your face look wider. If you want bangs, avoid soft, wispy bangs, and aim for a bolder bang to draw attention away from your jawline. 
  • Heart: The goal for this face shape is to make the jawline look bigger than it actually is and the forehead softer. A blunt or full look will help your jawline. Try to avoid looks that frame your face and go for ones that add more depth and volume towards the bottom. Most heart shaped looks tend to have widow peaks and it is recommended to part slightly off middle. This helps to draw attention away from the forehead. 
  • Oval: This face shape can often look too long and drawn out. Adding more volume and keeping your face framing to a minimum is the best way to handle this.  Often a middle part works perfectly. Styling your hair in soft waves away from your face will add some depth around the jawline and will help to avoid adding more of a lengthy look to your face. 
  • Diamond: This face shape is considered to be the most sought-after shape. A diamond face shape can wear many different styles because you do not need to try and balance each different area. Consider doing lots of face framing bangs and layers to accentuate your look! 

Summer hair colors  

Now that you have some hairstyle inspiration, let’s look at what summer hair colors our hairstylist thinks will be trending and see what colors can be created using Naturtint products.  

what summer hair colors will we see the most this season?  

Split hair colors will be all the rage this summer. And, of course, gold and blonde hair colors are always popular during summer. If you’re looking for a brilliant blonde shade that is free from ammonia, artificial fragrances, and parabens, check out Naturtint’s blonde shades here.

Pro-tip for blondes: Most blondes have gold hues to their hair unless the pigment is completely removed. The best way to counteract any gold hues is by using a highly pigmented blue or violet shampoo and conditioner. 

what summer hair colors can you create at home using naturtint permanent hair color? what colors should leave up to the professionals?  

On previously colored hair, you can create single process colors that are either darker than the previous color of the hair or up to 2 levels lighter, and root touch-ups. 

With virgin hair, you can lift up to 3 levels using level 10 colors and up to 2 levels using a color level 8-9. Keep in mind that people starting with hair color at levels 1-5 will have a dark brassy hue, levels 5-7 a copper brassy color, and levels 7-10 gold multi-dimensional highlights or lowlights, and single application colors.   

It’s best to leave any color correcting or dramatic lightening services (going from dark hair to blonde) to the professionals as it will take more skill and knowledge to achieve desired looks and maintain vibrant hair. 

Got a question about what shade is best for you this summer? Our Naturtint hair color specialists are always happy to help you find a stunning summer hair color!  

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