We’re sharing which healthy lifestyle habits can lead to healthy hair

Healthy Lifestyle Habits That Lead To Vibrant Hair

It takes more than just good genetics or using the right products to achieve vibrant hair. Living a healthy lifestyle can also have a major impact on your hair.  

So, which habits should you focus on? Keep reading to find out the healthy lifestyle changes that will help you maintain luscious locks!  

Related: What Is The No-Poo Method And Does It Work?

We’re sharing which healthy lifestyle habits can lead to vibrant hair

Healthy lifestyle changes that can improve your hair’s vibrancy

Your overall health directly affects the health of your hair. That’s why you’ll want to keep the following healthy lifestyle tips in mind…   

consume a healthy diet  

Consuming a healthy diet can go a long way towards ensuring that your hair stays shiny and strong. For starters, be sure to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. They’ll help stimulate your hair follicles and sebaceous glands and improve your scalp’s overall health.  

Plant-based foods with omega-3 fatty acids include (but are not limited to):  

  • Flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds 
  • Vegetables like Brussel Sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower  
  • Walnuts   
  • Seaweed and sea algae (ex: spirulina) 

Another key component of a healthy diet is protein. Diets that don’t contain enough protein can cause hair to become weak and brittle or can result in hair loss.  

Some examples of good plant-based protein sources are:  

  • Beans  
  • Organic Soy (tempeh, tofu, miso) 
  • Whole grains (quinoa, spelt, buckwheat) 
  • Brown rice 


consider taking multivitamins  

It can be tough to get all the nutrients you need in your diet from traditional food and drinks. That’s why multivitamins are a great way to bridge the nutritional gap. A multivitamin that contains B-vitamins (like Biotin), zinc, and vitamin D. Biotin is key for promoting hair growth, while Zinc and vitamin D also helps to keep your hair strong.  

drink plenty of water  

Drinking enough water is a key to a healthy lifestyle. Water hydrates the entire hair strand from the inside and is the main source of energy for hair cells. It’s also essential for maintaining your overall health (including your hair). If you’re dehydrated, your body will direct moisture to more critical functions of the body, leaving your hair out of luck and fending for itself. As a result, growth may slow or stop, and you may develop split ends. And, in some cases, severe dehydration can accelerate hair loss.  

quit smoking cigarettes  

While we realize kicking this habit is easier said than done, quitting smoking will help restore your hair’s health. Studies have shown that smoking can cause damage to the DNA of the hair follicle and also cause oxidative stress in the body, which could lead to hair damage and even hair loss. Quitting smoking will also benefit the health of your friends and family too as second-hand smoke has been proven to be harmful.  

reduce stress  

The role that stress plays in hair growth and overall health cannot be overstated. Stress can impact your hair and scalp health in many ways. You may have heard that stress can impact your hormone levels and eventually lead to hair thinning. But did you know that stress can also reduce your body’s ability to digest foods and absorb nutrients (which leads to hair shedding)? To combat hair damage and lead a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to implement a routine to release and reduce stress. 

To reduce stress, try one or more of the following stress-management techniques:  

  • Yoga  
  • Pilates  
  • Meditation  
  • Mild to moderate exercise such as jogging or swimming  
  • Setting aside time for self-care (reading a book or listening to music)  

wear a hat outside  

You may be surprised to learn that no matter whether your hair is thick or thin, you should be protecting your hair and scalp from UV rays. The easiest ways to protect yourself from UV rays are by wearing a hat when you’re outside for longer periods of time and applying sunscreen to your hair and scalp. Following these simple precautions will protect you from overexposure to UV radiation (which damages the hair and causes it to lose proteins and weaken over time).  

shampoo your hair wisely  

Since everyone’s hair and scalp needs are different, it’s up to you to figure out how many times per week you should shampoo your hair. If you’re looking to decrease the number of times you shampoo your hair, learn more about the no-poo method and if it’s right for you here.  

However, regardless of your hair type, there’s no question that you should avoid shampoos with harsh chemicals that may cause damage to your hair. Most traditional shampoos contain harsh chemicals like sulfates, which remove dirt from your hair but also strip away your body’s natural oils (which are essential for maintaining strong and vibrant hair).  

That’s why it’s key to use pH-balanced shampoos like Naturtint’s Color Care Shampoo. Besides being pH balanced, the shampoo also contains 99% naturally derived ingredients and uses conditioning agents derived from coconut and sunflower oils. Not only does Color Care Shampoo protect the hair, but also helps it maintain vibrant, long-lasting color.   

Wrapping it up  

As you can see, there are many ways you can improve the health of your hair. And, these habits are tied to living a healthy lifestyle, which will positively impact your overall health. So, incorporating these lifestyle changes into your daily routine is a win-win situation all-around.  

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